
The shipping costs can only be calculated once the item is in the basket.

The prices stated on the product pages include the statutory value added tax and other price components.

In addition to the prices stated, within Germany we charge a flat rate of up to 2kg - 3.80 €, up to 5kg - 7.49 €, up to 10kg - 9.49 €, up to 31kg - 16.49 €.

We also deliver to Belgium, Bulgaria, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembrug, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Switzerland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain , Czech Republic, Hungary, Cyprus and Austria.

For delivery into the countries mentioned above, we charge up to 2kg - 13 €, up to 5kg - 17.99 €, up to 10kg - 22.90 €, up to 20kg - 33.90 € and up to 31.5kg - 44.90 €.

We also send into all other countries if you are willing to pay the high shipping rates of:

USA, Kanada etc. : up to 31kg - ??? (Please understand that we have to tell you the costs individually due to the special pricing during the corona crisis) You can ask us for the actual pricing.

The shipping costs are clearly communicated to you in the shopping cart system and on the order page.

The foregoing flat-rate shipping costs include the statutory value-added tax. Since VAT is calculated on the flat-rate shipping costs depending on the goods purchased, it can be reduced if goods are purchased at lower VAT rates (e.g. when purchasing books). This means that the flat rate shipping costs can only be finally calculated during the ordering process. However, it cannot get higher, but only lower in your favor.